Male Breast Reduction / Gynaecomastia

Male Breast Reduction / Gynaecomastia

Dr Braun Male Breast Reduction Gynaecomastia
Gynaecomastia is the benign enlargement of breast tissue in males. It may occur transiently in newborns. Half or more of adolescent boys have some breast development during puberty. Gynaecomastia may arise as an abnormal condition associated with disease, such as Klinefelter syndrome, metabolic disorders, as a side-effect of medication, or as a result of the natural decrease of testosterone production in older males. In adolescent boys, the condition is often a source of psychological distress.

Gynaecomastia is not uncommon. The enlarged breast consists of either excess glandular tissue, fat or a combination of the two. The breast tissue is cut out via a small inconspicuous incision around the nipple and the excessive fat is liposuctioned. Scarring is minimal. The patient is hospitalized for one day, and is required to wear a compression garment for four weeks. You may return to work the following day. Let Dr Braun help you with your Male Breast Reduction.

Plastic Surgeon Dr. Saul Braun operates from the Netcare Rosebank Hospital, situated in the up-market Northern Suburbs of Johannesburg.

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